Wednesday, July 28, 2010

A 13 Year Old and His Birthday Money

"Can we go to Target?" came the incessant request from the passenger seat over, and over and over again. "I have already told you, " I replied, "I would love to take you to Target, I simply don't have time. Anyway, impulse buying only leads you to spending your money frivolously." This later point he skillfully ignored. "It will only take me five minutes." he retorted. Sadly, he seriously, earnestly, thought it would only take him five minutes. "Five minutes to check out, maybe."I replied. I tried to get him to reason one more time, "What do you want to buy?" To this qustion I recieved a blank stare then he said, "Can I go to Target?" I could tell he was determinded to annoy me until, pleading for my sanity, I drove him to Target. I've never been one to back down from a challenge so I concluded, "Look, you've been getting on my nerves since day one, at this point I'm immune."
"Ah!" he said with a look of triumph, "but now I'm a teenager and I can be more annoying than you have ever dreamed!"
This I quietly thought to myself could be the biggest truth I have heard this week.

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